
'Moje prijateljice su išle u šoping, a ja sam brinula hoću li stati u sjedalo u javnom pijevozu'

Piše JL
12. ožujka 2018. - 19:21

Pretila tinejdžerica iz Queenslanda u Australiji u samo 11 mjeseci izgubila je polovicu tjelesne težine i sad je toliko mršava da i ona i njezin dečko zajedno mogu stati u traperice koje je nekad nosila.

Josephine Desgrand (17) imala je 122 kilograma. Jednostavno je previše jela i nije vježbala pa su se kilogrami gomilali. Umorna od neprestanog maltretiranja i ruganja vršnjaka na račun svog izgleda, srednjoškolka je samo odlučila u potpunosti izbaciti šećer iz prehrane i smanjiti unos ugljikohidrata. Samo pomoću takvog režima smršavjela je na 60 kg tjelesne težine i sad zajedno s dečkom Morganom Pascoeom (19) može uskočiti u stare traperice.

‘Veliki sam gurman. Jela sam ogromne porcije i to jako brzo. Mama mi je uvijek govorila da usporim jer bi bez iznimke prva pojela. Sport me nikad nije zanimao i izbjegavala sam ga pod svaku cijenu. Imam divnu obitelj, imali smo predivnih trenutaka, ali bila sam nesretna zbog težine. Nisam htjela ići u šoping jer me to deprimiralo. Sjećam se da sam jednom pronašla uske traperice u koje sam stala. Isprobala sam ih i osjećala sam se fantastično sve dok nisam vidjela kako zapravo izgleda u njima. Silno sam htjela smršavjeti, ali nisam ništa poduzimala’, rekla je Josephine za Sun.

Jednog je dana, kaže, prestala razmišljati o tome i jednostavno poduzela prvi korak: ‘Pročitala sam toliko članaka o transformacijama, istraživala sam koja je najbolja metoda. Bila sam spremna i samo sam čekala taj trenutak promjene - kad ću se probuditi i poželjeti otići na trčanje. Bila sam ljubomorna na svoje prijateljice što sve mogu obući i što sve mogu napraviti. Ja sam se brinula jer se znalo dogoditi da mi je sjedalo u javnom prijevozu premalo ili da moram tražiti produžetak za sigurnosni pojas.’

Before and after. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393464, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand prije i poslije

Before and after 4. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393454, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD230009680100003a3e00004b440000f14a0000c76b000094930000f095000013ef00001ff90000e1fa0000, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand prije i poslije


Nakon što je shvatila da ‘taj trenutak’ očito neće doći sam, odlučila je sama napraviti promjenu. U potpunosti je izbacila šećer iz prehrane i drastično smanjila unos ugljikohidrata. Kaže da joj je odluka vezana uz šećer najbolja u životu: ‘U početku je bilo teško, prva dva tjedna su bili grozni. No, odlučnost me držala, a onda je to postala navika.’

Osim što se fizički promijenila, Josephine kaže da joj je mršavljenje iz temelja promijenilo život - više se ne skriva, ima samopouzdanja, a i zaigrala je u školskom mjuziklu što ranije nije mogla ni zamisliti. ‘Mogu ući u bilo koji dućan i kupiti ono što mi se sviđa. Imam nevjerojatno puno energije. Ponekad se probudim i samo se smijem’, ispričala je.

Before and after 3. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393455, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD2300096901000022450000a54d0000fd580000c28900001ac400000ccf00001b3601009456010054610100, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand prije i poslije

Before and after 2. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393453, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: FBMD230009680100002e48000011530000e75c0000e8a400007cdb0000eee600002e380100425701003f640100, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand prije i poslije


Osim promjene prehrane mlada je Australka počela vježbati dva ili tri puta tjedno po 20 minuta. Najteže joj je, kaže, palo odvikavanje od šećera zbog čega je bila neprestano nervozna, umorna i otresita. Osim toga, više se nije izolirala.

‘Prije sam izbjegavala izlaske s prijateljima. Bila bih doma i durila se. No, svakim je danom postajalo sve lakše dok i to nije postala navika’, rekla je Josephine dodajući da su je posebno dirnule poruke podrške koje prima od nepoznatih ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. Tako joj se javila žena koja je nakon čitanja njezine priče izgubila 30 kilograma.

Josephine i njezine recepte za zdrav život pratite na Instagramu.

Before 6. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393458, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand prije

Now 9. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393463, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand

Now 4. MEET the foodie who had to ask for seatbelt extenders due to her weight but has lost over HALF her bodyweight in just eleven-months and she is now so slim that both her and her boyfriend can fit into her old jeans. High school graduate, Josephine Desgrand (17), from Queensland, Australia, has always been a foodie and would avoid all sports. While she didn’t used to snack on junk food, she would consume large portions and eat quicker than her family. This habit resulted in her reaching 19st 3Ibs and a UK size 20 to 22. Her weight put her off normal activities such as resorting to shop in ‘older’ shops which made her feel depressed. Despite fitting into skinny jeans, she hated pictures of herself in them, until one day she didn’t think about it too much and decided to cut out sugar and reduced her carbohydrate intake. Her new way of living helped her achieve a slender physique of 9st 6Ibs and UK size eight to 10. She can now fit into her old jeans with her boyfriend, Morgan Pascoe (19). Josephine Desgrand /, Image: 365393460, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Media Drum World

Profimedia, Media Drum World

Josephine Desgrand


14. siječanj 2025 01:27